The goal of the program is to train qualified specialists in occupational health and further deepen the theoretical and practical training of graduates of medical academies and universities on the basis of knowledge and skills in occupational health acquired in the process of undergraduate education and in practice to the level necessary for their full independent work as doctors on occupational health at the Centers for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (CGSEN). After the completion of the clinical residency, the right to fill the vacant position of a specialist in occupational health and to conduct research on the profile is given. Clinical residency in occupational health is a form of post-graduate professional training of a specialist in occupational health.
- organize, analyze the main types of their activities and plan preventive measures related to the implementation of decisions taken by the government of Uzbekistan, national and state programs for the development of the social sphere;
- cooperate with other organizations in the protection of public health, the environment and the working environment;
- to introduce new organizational forms and methods of work of the department of occupational health;
- organize and hold seminars, meetings on the exchange of work experience and occupational health;
- carry out state sanitary supervision;
- conduct research on the hygienic assessment of harmful and hazardous production factors;
- prepare medical documentation and analyze the results of surveys.
The study of the sanitary condition of production facilities poses problems that require the assimilation of the following issues:
- hygienic features of different industries depending on their industry, work organization, equipment used;
- methods of research used in the departments of occupational health and laboratories (sanitary, hygienic, physiological, statistical and other);
- methodical approaches for drawing up programs and plans for studying the incidence of workers;
- methods of analysis of occupational morbidity and morbidity with temporary disability;
- means of individual protection and their hygienic assessment;
- organization and conducting of sanitary-educational work on hygienic training and education of workers, promotion of hygienic knowledge, healthy lifestyle.
Требование Гигиена труда клиническая ординатура
Требование Коммунальная гигиена клиническая ординатура
Учебная программа Гигиена труда