The holy place of the mausoleum of Zangiotа is located around the grave of the Sufi sheikh Ai Khodja (14th century) and is located 15 km from Tashkent. Mausoleum of Zangiotа (“black father”) – was nicknamed among the population because of the dark skin of the sheikh. He was famous during the life of a great Sufi (late XII – early XIII century) and came from a well-known Arab family. The construction of the mausoleum began in the 14th century by the order of Amir Temur. The complex is also a place of pilgrimage for Muslims from all over Uzbekistan. The memorial complex includes a mausoleum, a minaret, a mosque, a cemetery with the grave of Zangiota’s wife Anbar Bibi, as well as a courtyard with a large beautiful garden. The saint is approached with different wishes, and everyone believes that visiting Zangiotа will help him fulfill them.