MASTER by specialty
5A 510301 – Hygiene (communal hygiene)
5 A 510301 -Hygiene (labor hygiene)
At the Department of Municipal Hygiene and health are trained graduate students majoring 5A-510301 Hygiene (Communal Hygiene) and 5 A 510301 (health) – According to the curriculum in the master’s degree in “Communal Hygiene” and “Occupational Health” provides 2 year training. Classes are held graduate students in the department, in research laboratories fancied TMA, SRI SGPZ MoH and ergonomic laboratory TsNiOT at the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of Uzbekistan, as well as at the National Centre Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Tashkent.
Graduate students in the course of training to conduct an independent survey of health facilities under the control of CSES. Master the practice is carried out under the guidance of coach in CSES, at the offices of communal hygiene, occupational health, ecology and environmental protection, occupational health facilities on PSN and TSN on controlled objects filled with medical reporting documentation.
The purpose and objectives of education.
Learning Goal: preparation of highly qualified hygienists, owning up to the level of knowledge, skills and practical skills necessary to practice in modern preventive medicine and meet the relevant requirements as professionals.
Learning objectives:
– Implementation of the SPE and TSN at all (regardless of ownership) of municipal and industrial facilities, identifying environmental risk factors that adversely affect the health situation and health and work to develop a set of preventive measures aimed at improving the health status and optimization of working conditions warning professional, reduction of infectious and noninfectious diseases;
– Training of graduate students – methodical seminars are conducted with doctors of various specialties, doctors, environmentalists in the development of comprehensive plans, plans for health improvement and prevention issues incorporated in the objects that are sources of pollution;
– Carrying out research on important health issues, according to environmental and hygienic assessment of the health situation in the residential area, on the hygienic assessment of new building materials, the development of recreational activities for the prevention of diseases in the population, hygienic assessment of the conditions of production and use of chemicals and justification of hygienic regulations Chemicals and biological agents in water, soil, AB, the study of the biological action of the body, hygienic assessment of physical factors on the territory of the residential areas, hygienic substantiation of new architectural and planning solutions for building settlements, with health inspection of design and construction solutions.
The training program in “Communal Hygiene” contains 6 thematic blocks:
• Basics of the State Sanitary Supervision
• Protection of the environment and human health
• Ecological and hygienic evaluation of water supply and water bodies;
• Ecological and hygienic assessment of atmospheric air and soil. Preventive toxicology;
• Modern types of planning and construction of residential and public buildings;
• Hygienic evaluation of medical institutions and pharmacies;
The training program in “labor Hygiena” also contains 6 thematic blocks:
• Basics of the State Sanitary Supervision
• Protection of the environment and human health
• Hygienic regulation of harmful and hazardous working environments;
• The study of general physiological patterns in the course of employment;
• hygienic production bases of lighting, its impact on the performance and health of workers;
• importance and place in the ventilation system of sanitary measures.
Graduate students at the end of the second year to protect master’s thesis on topics that are relevant to the hygienic science in the Republic of Uzbekistan.