The chair is based in 1936 Managing chair of municipal hygiene were: the doctor of medical sciences., the professor Vinokurov P. D (1936-1938); the doctor of medical sciences, the professor Ageev P. K (1939-1949); the doctor medical Sciences, professor Zahidov A.Z. (1949-1960); the doctor of medical sciences, professor Babadzhanov S.N. (1960-1963); the doctor of medical sciences, the professor Tahirov M. T (1963-1966); канд. Medical sciences, senior lecturer (1966-1967); the doctor of medical sciences, professor Babadzhanov S.N. (1967-1972); the doctor of medical sciences, the professor, the academician of AN РУз Iskandarov T.I. (1972-1984); канд. Medical sciences, senior lecturer Hikmatullaeva S.S. (1984-1987); the doctor of medical sciences, the professor, the academician of AN РУз Iskandarov T.I. (1987-2003); the doctor of medical sciences, the professor Iskandarova G. T since 2003 – on the present.
Vinokurov Peter Dmitrievich
– The hygienist, 1/24/1885 of year of birth, Russian, the doctor of medical sciences (1937), the professor (1938). Has ended in 1914 medical faculty of the Saratov University. The author more than 40 scientific works devoted to pressing questions of municipal hygiene. Has prepared 4 candidates of science. With 1935 for 1938 – the director and the supervisor of studies of scientific research institute of sanitary, hygiene and occupational diseases of Ministry of Health UzSSR, about 1936-1938 in combination managing chair of municipal hygiene of TashMI, in 1937 in combination managed chair of hygiene of a food of TashMI.
Ageev Peter Konstantinovich
– The hygienist, 12/12/1896 of year of birth, Russian, the doctor of medical sciences (1946), the professor. Has ended in 1919 the Kiev medical institute. The master’s thesis has protected in 1940 («the Technique of designing of a zone of sanitary protection of reservoirs on арыках and underground waters of the top horizon»), doctor’s in 1946 («Irrigational water supply of the cities of UzSSR as a sanitary-and-hygienic problem»). The author of 45 scientific works devoted to actual problems of municipal hygiene. Has prepared 10 candidates of science. About 1938-1947 the director of scientific research institute of sanitary, hygiene and occupational diseases of NKZ UzSSR. About 1939-1949 the manager. Chair of municipal hygiene of TashMI.
Zahidov Abdulla Zahidovich
– The hygienist, 7/12/1910 of year of birth, the author of 123 scientific works, methodical recommendations, brochures, monographies. It prepares 4 doctors and 23 candidates of medical sciences. With 1949 for 1960 – managing chair of municipal hygiene of TashMI and the dean of sanitary-and-hygienic faculty (1948-1950, 1969-1970) in combination, 1950-1966 – the director of scientific research institute of sanitary, hygiene and occupational diseases MH UzSSR.
Babadzhanov Sattar Nazimovich. Scientific, prominent Uzbek hygienist doctor of medical sciences, professor. I was born on December 27, 1915 in the Turkestani region.
In 1934 it arrived on medical faculty of the Central Asian state medical institute which successfully finished in 1939. Study in Tashgosmi, and then (till 1943) he combined profession of a physician with work at the Tashkent teacher training college at which conducted a practical training and gave lectures on school hygiene.
In 1942 successfully I defended the master’s thesis on a subject: “Gelminto-fauna of children of school and preschool age of Tashkent”, the doctoral dissertation on a subject: “Full-fledged anti-genes of helminths and a role them in immunity” (1949). In 1951 to it the academic status of professor was given. 1947-1967 – head of the department of the general hygiene,
The Tashkent state medical institute From 1950 to 1965 at the same time I worked as the dean sanitarno – hygienic faculty. Tashkent state medical institute. From 1967 to 1972 I managed chair of municipal hygiene, and C 1972 – professor the consultant of chair of municipal hygiene of the Tashkent state medical institute. In 1975 I left on deserved rest.
Professor S. N. Babadzhanov – one of founders of hygienic science in Uzbekistan who put many forces and energy in formation and development of regional preventive medicine. His name is known to the medical public not only in Uzbekistan, but also is far beyond its limits.
The prof. S. N. Babadzhanov created school of sciences of the hygienists who were successfully developing hygienic science not only in Uzbekistan but also in all Central Asian republics.
It and his pupils developed the most topical issues sanitarno – hygienic actions for epidemiology of an askaridoz, fastsiolez, enterobioz in preschool institutions and schools Tashkent. The value of allergic and serologichesky reactions at an askaridoza and a teniarinkhoza of the person was studied. Priority questions of school hygiene, influence sanitarno – hygienic conditions of environment on health of children and teenagers were developed, carried out sanitarno – hygienic and toxicological researches of various connections.
Under the leadership of the prof. S. N. Babadzhanov many are prepared scientific (including 10 master’s theses are defended), and practical shots – doctors the hygienists who are successfully working in various corners of the Soviet Union. Results of research of the scientist gained recognition in the republic and beyond its limits.
The prof. S. N. Babadzhanov the author more than 100 scientific works, from them, 3 monographs published in a domestic and foreign press, manuals and methodical development.
The prof. S. N. Babadzhanov carried out a lot of work on introduction of achievements of domestic and foreign medicine to practical health care of UZSSR, actions for improvement of children and teenagers in all regions of the country were developed and took root.The prof. S. N. Babadzhanov was the initiator of a lot of work on elimination of helminthic diseases, widespread in Central Asia. In particular, it organized three large expeditions to the Fergana, Namangan, and Andizhan areas in which the technique of vaccination against helminthic diseases was for the first time developed and introduced.
There was the chairman of the board of society of hygienists and health officers of the republic, the member of UMSA MZ UZSSR, the chairman of the problem commission Tashgosmi and the deputy chairman of the problem commission of UMSA MZ UZSSR.
He repeatedly spoke at sessions of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, meetings of AN Ouse as the Soviet Socialist Republic, at all-Union and republican congresses of hygienists, epidemiologists, at meetings of scientific organizations of the republic.
The prof. Babadzhanov S.N. for dedicated work in education and formation of numerous generations of doctors, model work, scientific achievements was awarded by a number of the state awards and medals: the award “Honour Sign”, the medal “For Valorous Work in the Second World War of 1941-1945.”, repeatedly awarded by Certificates of honor of the Supreme Council Uzbek the Soviet Socialist Republic.
Таhirov Meli Tahirovich
– The hygienist, 4/11/1929 of year of birth, the Uzbek, the doctor of medical sciences (1971), in 1964 the academic status of the senior lecturer is awarded. In 1953 has ended sanitary-and-hygienic faculty TashMI. The Master’s thesis has protected in 1957 («Pollution of atmospheric air by chlorine and its hygienic value»), doctor’s in 1972 («the Hygienic estimation of manufactures аcetylcellulosis and some plastic as sources of pollution of atmospheric air and preventive actions»). The author of 96 scientific works, 5 brochures, 14 methodical recommendations, 1 efficiency proposal. Has prepared 1 doctor of medical sciences, 3 candidates of medical sciences. About 1953-1956 – the post-graduate student of chair of municipal hygiene of TashMI, 1956-1962 – the assistant to chair of municipal hygiene of TashMI, 1962-1969 – the senior lecturer of chair of municipal hygiene of TashMI.
Hikmatullaeva Shoira Sunnatovna
– The hygienist, 1938 of year of birth, к.м.s. (1967), the Uzbek.
In 1963 has ended sanitary-and-hygienic faculty of the Tashkent State Medical institute. After the institute termination in 1963 it is directed to postgraduate study of Moscow in institute of the general and municipal hygiene of a name of A.N.Sysina. In 1967 has protected the master’s thesis on a theme: «Biological actions of small concentration тиофена in atmospheric air of the occupied places in the city of Moscow». With 1966 for 1970 worked as the assistant to chair of municipal hygiene of the Tashkent State medical institute. Since 1970 is the senior lecturer of chair. About 1984-1987 managed chair of municipal hygiene. About 1987-1996 – the senior lecturer of chair of municipal hygiene. The author of 74 scientific works, 18 uchebno-methodical grants and workings out. It is awarded by incentive thanks of institute and MH RUz and a medal «Veteran of work».
Iskandarov Tulkin Iskandarovich
The hygienist, the ecologist, toxicology, 4/25/1939 of year of birth, the Uzbek, the Academician of AS RUz and АМТS the Russian Federation, the doctor of medical sciences, the professor, the deserved doctor of Uzbekistan. Has ended in 1962 sanitary-and-hygienic faculty of the Tashkent medical institute. The author of 634 scientific works, including: 31 monograph, 7 textbooks, 75 copyright certificates on inventions and patents, 57 sanitary code, rules and hygienic specifications RUz 112 methodical recommendations and the instructions devoted to questions of hygiene, ecology and toxicology. Under its edition 47 collections of proceedings and materials of conferences are published.
It creates huge school of thought of hygienists and toxicologist Uzbekistan; under its management it is prepared more than 100 doctors and candidates of science (26 doctors and 76 candidates of science). Among its pupils such scientific countries as professors Bahritdinov S.S., Duschanov B. A, Hudajberganov A.S., Zaretdinov D.A., Halmetov R. H, Mamatkulov B. M, Kamilova R. T, Asadullaev M. M, Bekmetov M. V, Tarasov V. V, Balichieva D.V., Kogaj R. E, Shavahabov S.S., Zhumatov У, Azizov R. K, Kamildzhanov A.H., Usmanov I.A., Azizhodzhaev A.R., Sadykov A.U. and others.
After the institute termination in 1962-1964 worked as the assistant on chair “Factory hygiene” TashMI. In 1964-1967 – the post-graduate student of scientific research institute of sanitary, hygiene and occupational diseases with dissertation protection in 1967. After dissertation protection has headed laboratory of hygiene and toxicology of pesticides (1967-1972) and factory hygiene department (1970-1972) same institute. With 1972 for 2003 managed chair of municipal hygiene of TashMI.
In 1974 the professor, since 1989 the corresponding member of Academy of Sciences RUz on a specialty “Ecology”, since 2000 the academician of Academy of Sciences RUz, since 2006 the academician of the Russian Academy of medico-engineering science has protected the thesis for a doctor’s degree, since 1977. In 2000 the medal «Outstanding people of 20 centuries» is handed over by English Cambridge University, and his name is entered in the list «Outstanding people of 20 centuries», made and published in the Cambridge University.
With 1980 for 1989 – the director of Scientific research institute of sanitary, hygiene and occupational diseases MH RUz (scientific research institute SGOD MH RUz).
With 1989 for 1995 – the Main State health officer of Republic Uzbekistan, the deputy minister of public health services RUz. Its special merit during this period of work is working out and introduction in action of the Law of Republic Uzbekistan «About the State sanitary inspection», building and end of Republican sanitary-and-epidemiologic station, acceptance of some Decisions: «About prohibition of use of work of children, teenagers till 18th years and pregnant women on manual gathering of a clap», «About realization prohibition in Uzbekistan of meat and the meat products containing radionuclides of cesium 134 and 137 from regions, подвергшихся to pollution after failure on the Chernobyl atomic power station», «About prohibition and restriction of application highly toxic and highly hazardous in Republic Uzbekistan agriculture», «About protection of borders of Uzbekistan from drift and distribution of quarantine infections» and others.
It gives great attention to strengthening of financial, material base and personnel potential of sanitary-and-epidemiologic stations that is reflected in the order of Ministry of Health RUz № 1075: states regional санэпидстанций SES are increased, is allocated for SES 10 % of financial assets from provided on public health services.
Acted with scientific reports at conferences in Bulgaria, Mexico, Algeria, Germany, England, the USA, Switzerland, Japan, Turkey.
With 1995 for 2010 works as the director of scientific research institute of sanitary, hygiene and occupational diseases, since 2010 on the present manages laboratory of hygiene and toxicology of pesticides.
Throughout many years actively is engaged in public work, being the chairman, a member of the Academic council of institute, the chairman of Scientific council on hygiene of MH RUz, the chairman of the Society of hygienists and health officers, and now Branches of hygienists and health officers of Association of doctors of Uzbekistan, the vice-president of Association of doctors of Uzbekistan, the vice-president of an editorial board of magazine «Bulletin of Association of doctors of Uzbekistan», a member of an editorial board of “Medical magazine of Uzbekistan».
It is awarded by awards «Labour Red Banner» and «the Honor Sign», «For labour velour», a medal «For valorous work» in commemoration of the 100 anniversary from the date of V.I.Lenina’s birth, badges «Honors pupil of public health services», «For excellent successes in work of bodies of higher education», «the Inventor of the USSR», Certificates of honor.
1. Hygiene of application defoliants and desiccants in cotton. Т, 1974.
2. Factory hygiene by manufacture and clap and silk processing. Т, 1978.
3. Hygiene of soil neutralization of sewage in the conditions of Uzbekistan. Т, 1983.
4. Узбекистон ССРда атроф мухитни мухофаза килиш. Т, 1983.
5. A condition of sanitary-and-hygienic service of Uzbekistan. Т, 1983.
6. The almanac of scientific research institute of sanitary, hygiene and occupational diseases of MH RUz. 50 years 1934-1984 Т, 1984.
7. A healthy way of life. East traditions and the present. Т, 1989.
8. Кишлок хужалигида минерал угитлар пестицидлар ва бактериал воситаларни ишлатишда эхтиёт чоралари. Т, 1992.
9. A management on laboratory quality assurance of food. Т, 1992.
10. Ecology and epidemiology a virus hepatitis A in Uzbekistan. Т, 1993.
11. A management on sanitary protection of territory of Republic Uzbekistan from drift and distribution of infections dangerous to the person. Т, 1993.
12. A management on preventive maintenance of infectious diseases by a poliomyelitis, a measles, a diphtheria and a tetanus. Т, 1993.
13. Санитария статистик ва ижтимоий гигиеник тадкикот услублари. Т, 1994.
14. Вабо ва уни олдини олиш. Т, 1994.
15. The almanac of sanitary-and-epidemiologic service of Republic Uzbekistan. Т, 1994.
16. Ecology and hygiene of biological protection frames of plants. Т, 1995.
17. Озука хомашёси ва махсулотларининг сифати ва хавфсизлигига оид тиббий-биологик талаблар, санитария меъёрлари ва гигиеник нормативлари. Т, 1996.
18. A management on epidemiology, to diagnostics and treatment of HIV-infections. Т, 1996.
19. Ecology, epidemiology and cholera preventive maintenance. Т, 1996.
20. Ута хавфли бактериал ва вирус касалликлари. Т, 1997.
21. Achievements and prospects of a hygienic science in Uzbekistan. Т, 1999.
22. The international statistical classification of illnesses and the problems connected with health (a working variant) ч.1 and ч.2. Т, 2000.
23. History of development of scientific research institute of sanitary, hygiene and occupational diseases for 70 years (1934-2004). Т, 2004.
24. The almanac of scientific research institute of sanitary, hygiene and occupational diseases of MH RUz. Т, 2004.
25. Менинг хужа аждодларим ва авлодларим шажараси. Т, 2004.
26. The mechanism of development of infringements of metabolic processes at influence of pesticides of group pyretroids. Т, 2005.
27. The toxicology-hygienic characteristic of new pesticides. Т, 2005.
28. Factory hygiene on шёлкоткацких manufactures. Т, 2005.
29. Modern problems of hygiene of water and water supply of the population, sanitary protection of reservoirs in specific conditions of Uzbekistan. Т, 2005.
30. Scientifically-methodical bases of sanitary protection of superficial water sources and underground waters in specific conditions of Uzbekistan. Т, 2007.
31. Sketches of development of scientific research institute of sanitary, hygiene and occupational diseases for 75 years (1934-2009). Т, 2009.
1. Kommunal hygiene. Т, 1994.
2. Коммунал гигиена фанидан амалий машгулотлар учун кулланма. Т, 2006.
3. Kommunal hygiene. Т, 2007.
4. Жамоатчилик саломатлиги ва согликни саклаш. Т, 2008.
5. Kommunal gigiena fanidan amaliy mashg ` ulotlar uchun qo ` llanma. Т, 2008.
6. Мехнат гигиенаси фанидан амалий машгулотлар учун укув кулланма. Т, 2009.
7. Kommunal hygiene. Т, 2010.
Iskandarova Guzal Tulkinovna Since 2003 to the present works as the manager of chair of municipal hygiene who since 2005 is integrated and renamed on chair of municipal hygiene and occupational health.
Chair “Factory hygiene” is organized in 1936. Managers of chair were: professor Ditmar S.R. (1951-1955), with 1955 on 1957 manager. Chair was prof. Arnold I.A., then with 1958 for 1967 – managed chair of prof. Smetanin N.I.; with 1967 on 1993 managed chair the honored worker of science RUz prof. Demidenko N.M., with 1993 on 1995 – доцент Musamuhamedov S.R., with 1996 on 2005 – the manager. Chair доцент Umarov G. A.
Smetanin Nikolay Ivanovich
– The hygienist, 1/23/1912 of year of birth, d.м.s. (1962), the professor (1964), Russian.
Has ended in 1938 sanitary-and-hygienic faculty TashMI. The Master’s thesis has protected in 1941 («the Complex of sanitary-and-hygienic factors on cotton factory and its influence on health working»), doctor’s in 1962 («Silikozogennye of property of a soil dust and preventive maintenance of dust diseases at the persons occupied on cotton»). The author of 130 scientific works, 3 monographs, 10 brochures, 5 methodical recommendations. Has prepared 1 doctor and 16 candidates of medical sciences. 1947-1950 the manager. Laboratory of hygiene of a food of scientific research institute SGOD MH Ussr.
Demidenko Nina Mihajlovna
– The hygienist, 1925 of the birth, d.м.s., the professor, the honored worker of science RUz, Russian. Has ended in 1949 TashMI. In 1949-1967 – the post-graduate student, the assistant, the senior lecturer, since 1967 – the manager. Chair, since 1992 – the professor, since 1996 – the professor-adviser of chair of Factory hygiene of Second TashMI. The Master’s thesis has protected in 1953 («Materials under the hygienic characteristic of an industrial dust of the mixed character», doctor’s – in 1970 («Factory hygiene at application defoliants and desiccants a cotton»). The author of 230 scientific publications on hygiene of application and toxicology of pesticides, hygiene and work physiology in the industry and agriculture, studying of disease of women, revealing of risk factors, working out of measures the prevention of their harmful influence. Was engaged in optimization of teaching of hygienic disciplines, methodical maintenance of profile disciplines at introduction of the new concept of medical education on a specialty «Medico-preventive business». Professor N.M.Demidenko with 1977 for 1979 worked as the dean of sanitary-and-hygienic faculty, with 1980 for 1984 – the pro-rector of institute on scientific work. Has prepared 22 candidates of science.
1. Hygiene of application defoliants and desicants a cotton. Т, 1974.
2. Factory hygiene by manufacture and clap and silk processing, Т, 1978.
3. Factory hygiene in agriculture. М, 1981.
The textbook: Hygiene. Т, 2002.
Umarov Gofurzhon Ahmadalevich
– The hygienist, 1955 of the birth, the senior lecturer, к.м.s., the Uzbek.
Has ended in 1984 TashMI. In 1984-1986 G.A.Umarov – the assistant, the post-graduate student, the assistant, the item the teacher, the senior lecturer of chair of the general hygiene, in 1996-1997 – the manager. Chair “Hygiene” №2, about 1998-2005 – the manager. Factory hygiene chair. With 1998 for 2003 – the pro-rector of Second TashMI on «Maънавият ва маърифат». The Master’s thesis has protected in 1993 («the Hygienic characteristic of working conditions and a way of life of agricultural population of Uzbekistan in prevalence of malignant new growths»). The author of 45 scientific publications concerning primary preventive maintenance of malignant new growths, hygiene and work physiology.
The monograph: Problems oncology in Uzbekistan. Т, 1995.