The holy place of the mausoleum of Zangiotа is located around the grave of the Sufi sheikh Ai Khodja (14th century) and is located 15 km from Tashkent. Mausoleum of Zangiotа (“black father”) – was nicknamed among the population because of the dark skin of the sheikh. He was famous during the life of a…
Read More17.25.2021, teachers of the Department of Communal Hygiene and Occupational Health of the Tashkent Medical Academy participated in the international forum: “STEAM, Leadership and Student-centered Lesson at School of the Republic of Uzbekistan” at school No. 18 in Keles, Tashkent District, Tashkent Region.
Read MoreOn March 1, at the Department of Communal Hygiene and Occupational Health, the event “Works of Zulfia Khanum” was held, dedicated to the 106th anniversary of her beloved poetess, a famous public figure of the Uzbek people Zulfia Isroilova. The verses of Zulfia Khanum were read emotionally with an expression. Episodes from the life and…
Read MoreIn 16.11.2020, the head of the Department of Communal Hygiene and Occupational Health of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Professor Iskandarova G.T., Associate Professors of Sherkuzieva G.F. and Samigova N.R. participated in a spiritual and educational event held by pupils and teachers, and activists of the Ozodlik makhalli, under the motto “New Uzbekistan – a new…
Read MoreOn December 2, 2019 in 16:00 h in the 8th student’s the hostel of medical-preventive faculty of the Tashkent medical academy the event “We against AIDS is held!”, which is organized by the managing department, professor Iskandarova G.T. and the assistant to department of Communal hygiene and occupational health of medical-preventive faculty of the Tashkent…
Read MoreAssociate Professor of the Department of Communal and Occupational health of the Medical and preventive faculty, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of women of the medical and preventive faculty of Tashkent Medical Academy Kurbanova Sh.I. carried out action on November 22 at 16.00 to the 8th place of residence of students of the medical and…
Read MoreOn September 26, 2019 the associate professor of communal hygiene and occupational health of Kurbanov Sh.I. organized of a holiday of the Teachers’ Day held a festive event: “I ADMIRE YOU, the TEACHER!”. Dear teachers were invited to an action: associate professors Musamukhamedov S.R. and Oripkhanov N.T.
Read MoreOn purpose realization of the second initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyoev Sh.M. devoted to “Physical training of youth, creation of necessary conditions for manifestation of the abilities in sport” by the vice-chairman of Women’s council of medical-preventive faculty of the Tashkent medical academy, the senior teacher of department of Communal…
Read MoreFor the purpose of forming of a healthy lifestyle by the vice-chairman of Women’s council of medical-preventive faculty of the Tashkent medical academy, senior teacher of department of communal hygiene and occupational health Kurbanova Sh.I. on May 13, 2019 competitions in chess among girls students of the 5th course are organized.
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