Due to the election of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and active participation in political life of professorial shots of higher educational institutions of PhDs in Medicine., associate professor Guzal Fakhritdinovna Sherkuziyeva together with the vice rector of TTA for science and innovations, MD Feruza Lyutpillayevna Azizova, the manager of department, MD Feruza…
Read MoreInternational Olympiad for students of medical universities in communal hygiene “Followers Avicenna”
On April 22, 2021 the International Student Olympiad among medical universities in communal hygiene was held at the Tashkent Medical Academy. The winners of the Olympiad were awarded diplomas of the first, second and third degrees. All participants received certificates for nominations for participation in the Olympiad. …
Read MoreOn February 20, 2021 within holding a conference of young scientists of the Tashkent medical academy at department of Communal hygiene and occupational health there took place the conference among gifted students of medical-preventive faculty and public health in two objects “Communal hygiene” and “Occupational health”. At cathedral stage from students scientific society 6 students…
Read MoreOn February 16, 2021 in 10.05 in the lecture hall of academic building No. 1 of Tashkent medical academy for students 4 courses of medical-preventive and public health faculty the associate professor of Department Communal hygiene and occupational health, PhD in Medicine Samigova N.R. will gave an open lecture on a subject: “Production lighting”.
Read MoreOn February 16, 2021 in 10.05 in the lecture hall of academic building No. 1 of Tashkent medical academy for students 4 courses of medical-preventive and public health faculty the associate professor of Department Communal hygiene and occupational health, PhD in Medicine Samigova N.R. will give an open lecture on a subject: “Production lighting”.
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