Scientific work of department includes scientific justification of hygienic standards with development of preventive actions for public health care and environment objects, development of a complex of the scientifically based preventive actions directed to optimization of conditions and the organization of labor process, decrease in weight and tension of work, the maintaining health and increase in working capacity working in separate industries of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Since 2005-2006 the name of the integrated subject of a scientific problem: “Assessment of influence of conditions of the surrounding, production environment and a way of life on indicators of health of the population and development of hygienic regulations and ways of correction”. Gosregistration’s number No. 3/1/0004.
In 2005 at department the senior teacher Samigova N.R. on a subject has defended the master’s thesis: “Gigiyenic-fiziologic bases of optimization of working conditions of workers of sewing productions of Uzbekistan” in 14.00.07 Hygiene, the research supervisor the associate professor, PhDs in Medicine. Umarov G.A.
In 2006 at department the senior teacher Akramov D.A. has defended the master’s thesis. on a subject: “Occupational health by production of polymeric softener of a dinitrotrietilbenzol”, in 14.00.07 Hygiene, the research supervisor academician Iskandarov T.I.
In 2008 at department the senior teacher Hashirbayeva D.M. on a subject has defended the master’s thesis: “Hygienic aspects of impact of production and sanitary factors on an organism of the women working in light industry” in 14.00.07 Hygiene, the research supervisor the associate professor, PhDs in Medicine. Umarov G.A.
Since 2007-2010 the name of the integrated subject of a scientific problem: “Development of hygienic norms and regulations of modern factors of the habitat of the person” and “Assessment of the importance of factors of ecology of the person at prevalence of separate forms of incidence in the Republic of Uzbekistan”. Gosregistration No. 01070076 number.
From 2009 to 2011 the staff of department participated in the IDSS 31.15 grant project: ” Development of a scientific reasonable complex of preventive actions for the purpose of improvement of working conditions of workers at the enterprises of city transport”.
Since 2011-2014 the name of the integrated subject of a scientific problem of department: “Hygienic problems of sewage treatment of Tashkent”.
In 2011 at department have defended the master’s thesis the senior teacher Kurbanova Sh.I. on a subject: “Hygienic and physiological characteristic of work of workers of city passenger transport” in 14.00.07 Hygiene, the research supervisor professor Iskandarova G.T. and assistant to department Yulbarisova F.A. on a subject: ” Occupational health of the enterprises of modern polygraphy” in 14.00.07 Hygiene, the research supervisor professor Iskandarova G.T.
At present the staff of department of Municipal hygiene and occupational health conduct researches on the integrated subject of a scientific problem: “Scientific justification of actions for improvement of health and Wednesday obitaniy various groups of the population of Uzbekistan”.
Results of scientific work of department are reflected in the standard and legislative documents, methodical instructions and recommendations approved by MZ RUZ. Results of researches are published in scientific magazines, collections of scientific and practical conferences.
On September 27, 2018 the department of Municipal hygiene and occupational health was visited by Rashidov V. A., which worked at department as the assistant earlier. Rashidov V. A. since August, 2017. According to the program I have won a 4-year grant in South Korea for carrying out scientific research with further receiving an academic degree of PhD. Having successfully ended 1 year of training, it has visited department and has shared with teachers and students about the gained experience. He has told about the Korean friendly people, his customs and traditions, about a number of the difficulties during study connected with a language barrier, but to achieve a goal it is necessary to work on himself constantly.
At the end of a meeting the faculty of department has wished success to Rashidov V. A., successful protection and return in September, 2021 to department as the doctor of philosophy of medical sciences.