Associate Professor of the Department of Communal and Occupational health of the Medical and preventive faculty, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of women of the medical and preventive faculty of Tashkent Medical Academy Kurbanova Sh.I. carried out action on November 22 at 16.00 to the 8th place of residence of students of the medical and…
Read MoreAccording to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for many years of fruitful work on the successful implementation of industry programs, for a significant contribution to improving the quality of medical care, reliable protection of public health, strengthening a healthy lifestyle, for training highly qualified specialists, as well as for the…
Read MoreAssociate Professor of the Department of Communal and Occupational Health, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of women of the medical and preventive faculty of Tashkent Medical Academy Kurbanova Sh.I. invites everyone wishing on November 22 at 16.00 to the 8th place of residence of students of the medical and preventive faculty for the event: “MY…
Read MoreOn November 25, 2019 in 13.30 in the academic building No. 1 of Tashkent medical academy for students 3 courses of medical-preventive faculty the associate professor of Department communal hygiene and occupational health, PhD in Medicine Samigova N.R. will give an open lesson on a subject: “Hygienic examination of situation plans of industrial construction projects”.
Read MoreOn November 23, 2019 in 15.00 in the academic building No. 1 for students 3 courses of medical-preventive faculty the associate professor of Department Communal hygiene and occupational health of TMA Tashpulatova M.N. will give an open lesson on a subject: “Hygienic examination of general plans of industrial construction projects”.
Read MoreOn November 18, 2019 in 8.30 in the lecture hall of academic building No. 1 for students 4 courses of medical-preventive faculty the associate professor of Department Communal hygiene and occupational health, PhD in Medicine Sherquziyeva G.F. gave an open lecture on a subject: “Effects of air pollution on the environment and public health”. The…
Read MoreOn November 18, 2019 in 8.30 in the lecture hall of academic building No. 1 for students 4 courses of medical-preventive faculty the associate professor of Communal hygiene and occupational health, PhD in Medicine Sherquziyeva G.F. will give an open lecture on a subject: “Effects of air pollution on the environment and public health”.
Read MoreOn September 26, 2019 the associate professor of communal hygiene and occupational health of Kurbanov Sh.I. organized of a holiday of the Teachers’ Day held a festive event: “I ADMIRE YOU, the TEACHER!”. Dear teachers were invited to an action: associate professors Musamukhamedov S.R. and Oripkhanov N.T.
Read MoreAccording to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 3775 dated June 5, 2018 “On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher educational institutions and ensure their active participation in the large-scale reforms being carried out in the country”, the Tashkent Medical Academy was invited to the Department…
Read MoreOn purpose realization of the second initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyoev Sh.M. devoted to “Physical training of youth, creation of necessary conditions for manifestation of the abilities in sport” by the vice-chairman of Women’s council of medical-preventive faculty of the Tashkent medical academy, the senior teacher of department of Communal…
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