On March 2, 2020, within the framework of the conference “Young Scientists,” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Tashkent Medical Academy, the Department hosted a conference among students of the Bachelor ‘s Degree of Medical and Preventive Faculty in two subjects. In the subject “Communal hygiene” took prize-winning places: 1st place…
Read MoreOn March 2, 2020, within the framework of the conference “Young Scientists,” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Tashkent Medical Academy, the Department hosted a conference among students of the Bachelor ‘s Degree of Medical and Preventive Faculty in two subjects. In the subject “Communal hygiene” took prize-winning places: 1st place…
Read MoreOn December 11, 2019 in 8.30 in the lecture hall of academic building No. 1 of Tashkent medical academy for students 4 courses of medical-preventive faculty the chairman of department of Communal hygiene and occupational health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Iskandarova G.T. gave an open lecture on a subject: “Occupational health in pesticide use”.
Read MoreOn December 14, 2019 in 10.00 in the academic building No. 1 of Tashkent medical academy for students 3 courses of medical-preventive faculty the associate professor of Department Communal hygiene and occupational health, PhD in Medicine Sherkuziyeva G.F. will give an open lesson on a subject: “Determination of the optimal dose of coagulant. Ecological and…
Read MoreOn December 12, 2019 in 8.30 in the lecture hall of academic building No. 1 of Tashkent medical academy for students 4 courses of medical-preventive faculty faculty the associate professor of Department Communal hygiene and occupational health, PhD in Medicine Samigova N.R. will give an open lecture on a subject: “Production lighting”.
Read MoreOn December 11, 2019 in 8.30 in the lecture hall of academic building No. 1 of Tashkent medical academy for students 4 courses of medical-preventive faculty the chairman of department of Communal hygiene and occupational health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Iskandarova G.T. will give an open lecture on a subject: “Occupational health in pesticide…
Read MoreOn December 11, 2019 in 13.30 in the academic building No. 1 of Tashkent medical academy for students 3 courses of medical-preventive faculty the senior teacher of Department communal hygiene and occupational health Yusuphujayeva A.M. will give an open lesson on a subject: “Determination of residual chlorine in drinking water”.
Read MoreOn December 2, 2019 in 16:00 h in the 8th student’s the hostel of medical-preventive faculty of the Tashkent medical academy the event “We against AIDS is held!”, which is organized by the managing department, professor Iskandarova G.T. and the assistant to department of Communal hygiene and occupational health of medical-preventive faculty of the Tashkent…
Read MoreThe Department of Communal hygiene and Occupational Health of the Medical and Preventive Faculty of Tashkent Medical Academy invites everyone to the 8th Student Hostel of Medical and Preventive Faculty on December 2 at 16.00 at the event “We against AIDS!” dedicated to “December 1 – World AIDS Day”.
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