Curator of 101 groups of medical preventive faculty associate professor of Municipal hygiene and occupational health of Sherkuziyeva G.F. for the purpose of control of progress of students I have attended practical class in Anatomy.
Read MoreCurator of 101 groups medical preventive faculty associate professor of Municipal hygiene and occupational health of Sherkuziyeva G.F. for the purpose of acquaintance with conditions of accommodation of girls of group I have visited the 220th room 8-TTZh.
Read MoreOn October 31, 2018 to pupils of 6-10 classes of 26-comprehensive school of Yangiyul district of the Tashkent region associate professors of Municipal hygiene and occupational health of Sherkuziyeva G.F. and Samigova N.R. has given a lecture on a subject: “Prevention of AIDS”.
Read MoreOn October 19, 2018 associate professors of Municipal hygiene and occupational health of Sherkuziyeva G.F., Samigova N.R. together with gifted students of medical preventive faculty has held a scientific and practical integration seminar on a subject: “Drinking water and health”, devoted to “Year of support of active business, the innovative ideas and technologies”.
Read MoreOn September 21, 2018 associate professors of Municipal hygiene and occupational health of Sherkuziyeva G.F. and Samigova N.R. for the purpose of formation among students of ecological culture and skills on environmental protection in common with students 502 groups of medical-preventive faculty have visited the “Botanical garden” of Tashkent rich with different types of plants,…
Read MoreOn September 10, 2018 associate professor of Municipal hygiene and occupational health of Sherkuziyeva G.F. organized an excursion of students of medical-preventive faculty of TMA in Tashkenboyev’s House museum – the great rope-walker. Collected exhibits to Tashkenboyev’s House Museum have played an important role in development of circus art in Uzbekistan.
Read MoreOn September 13, 2018 for development of internal tourism and development of spiritual education in students by associate professors of Municipal hygiene and occupational health of Sherkuziyeva G.F. and Samigova N.R. has organized visit of a sacred complex of mausoleums of Zangi-ota. Today Zangi-ota’s mausoleum – a component of an architectural and religious complex which…
Read MoreThe first lesson devoted to independence of our republic has been opened by the deputy dean of medical-preventive faculty Sherkuziyeva G.F., who has congratulated students on a holiday and the beginning of academic year. Then the assistant to department of Municipal hygiene and occupational health Tashpulatova M.N. who has told that now Uzbekistan moves ahead…
Read MoreThe large-scale reforms undertaken in years of independence have laid the strong foundation for national statehood and sovereignty, safety and law and order, inviolability of frontiers, rule of law, rights and freedoms of the person, interethnic concord and religious tolerance in society, have created worthy living conditions for the population and realization of creative potential…
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