Талабалар учун тест топшириқлари

Тестовые задания для студентов

Talabalar uchun test topshiriqlari

Talabalar uchun test savollari 3000

Test questions for students 3000

Тестовые вопросы для студентов 3000

Англо-русский словарь



коммунал гигиена фани бўйича ўқув услубий мажмуа

Коммунал гигиена фанидан вазиятли масалалар

ситуац задачи анг яз

ситуационные задачи рус

Физиологические методы изучения



коммнал сув глобус“Communal hygiene globetrotter is taught to students of medico-preventive faculty on IV, V and VI courses. The purpose of training of municipal hygiene – to provide theoretical preparation and to develop the practical skills allowing the expert to prove scientifically the hygienic standards and actions necessary for improvement of sanitary living conditions in the occupied places for the prevention of the diseases connected with adverse natural and anthropomorphous factors for strengthening of health of the population.

Subject Communal hygiene sets for itself some tasks:
– Studying of factors of environment in the conditions of the occupied places and their possible negative influence on health and sanitary living conditions of the population.
– Studying of legislative, normative, technical and technological documents, instructive and methodical materials; the methods of precautionary and current supervision directed on creation of favorable ecological habitat in the conditions of the occupied places.
– Use of the laboratory, tool, calculation methods of quality control of environment allowing to estimate as a real state of environment, and to predict its possible change;
– Development of the system of sanitary, improving actions, determination of hygienic efficiency of the offered measures and control of their influence.
The main attention in practical training of students, according to the major natural and social factors which are available in the conditions of the occupied places is given to the solution of questions: hygiene of water and water supply of the occupied places; sanitary protection of water objects; sanitary protection of atmospheric air; sanitary protection of the soil; hygiene of planning and improvement of residential and public buildings; hygiene of planning and building of city and rural settlements taking into account a complex assessment of natural and social factors, their influences on health and sanitary living conditions of the population.

бола_optlabor hygiene is taught to students of IV, V and VI courses of medico-preventive faculty. Training of students on Occupational health is carried out generally according to the following sections: work physiology, harmful and dangerous production factors, health working, production lighting and ventilation, bases of the State sanitary inspection on production objects, occupational health of women, occupational health at use of pesticides, occupational health on various objects (industrial, agricultural, construction, etc.).

Educational bases are: Tashkent city center of the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance; TSGSEN Yunusabadskogo and Olmazarsky of areas; Research institute of sanitation, hygiene and prof. of diseases of MZ RUZ.

Besides, on chair training of masters on the specialties “Municipal Hygiene” and “labor hygiene” is carried out.
Staff of chair published a number of textbooks, methodical recommendations, methodical instructions, etc.
• Communal hygiene –  Sh. T. Otaboyev, T.I. Iskandarov, G. T. Iskandarova, T., 2010;
• Communal gigiena – Sh.T. Otaboyev, T.I. Iskandarov, T., 2007;
• Communal hygiene фанидан amaliya машғулотлар учун қ ¸llanma, T.I. Iskandarov of a takhrira of an osteitis, T., 2006;
• Kommunal gigiena fanidan amaliy mashgulotlar uchun qollanma.T.I. Iskandarov tahriri ostida, T., 2008;
• Menat hygiene (дарслик), G. T. Iskandarova of a takhrira of an osteitis, T., 2009;
• Mehnat gigiena (darslik), G.T. Iskandarova tahriri ostida, T., 2010;
• Mehnat hygiene фанидан amaliya машғулотлар учун ўқув қo’llanma. T.I. Iskandarov, G. T. Iskandarova, T., 2009;
• Mehnat gigiena fanidan amaliy mashgulotlar uchun qollanma. T.I. Iskandarov, G.T. Iskandarova tahriri ostida, T., 2010.